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![]() 牛津Oxford Discover 1-6级学生书+练习册+原版音频+白板软件
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宝贝介绍: 牛津Oxford Discover 1-6级学生书+练习册+原版音频 下载 宝贝截图: 书 名:Oxford Discover 作 者:June Schwartz 出版时间:2014年 出 版 社:Oxford
语 种:English
牛津大学出版社全新一套ESL儿童教材,以探究式教学法(inquiry-based approach)为教材编写核心。由老师引导学生学习学科知识,透过问题探索(Big Question),达到学生主动沟通,进而发展批判思考及问题解决能力,使学生成为独立自主的学习者。符合21世纪4C关键能力(Critical thinking skills、Communication、Collaboration、Creativity)。
全套共六册,每册18个单元,每两个单元以Big Question做为大主题,涵盖文化、地理、地球科学、数学、经济、艺术等学科主题。
Unit Opener:以Big Question做为单元的开始,透过跨页大图和问题引导,启动孩子天生的好奇心。搭配观看DVD(附于教师手册后)更能引起学生对主题的共鸣。
Get Ready:认识单元字汇,学习阅读策略,同时认识文体和文章类型,文章包含fiction和non-fiction,可读到不同面向的观点。
Wrap Up:Review:每两个单元结束后为总结课程,以漫画型式再次复习Big Question所讨论的主题。Project,每个大单元皆以项目计划做总结,让学生运用单元学过的字汇文法,透过与人沟通、一起合作、脑力激荡,完成创意十足的作品,真正完整训练21世纪所需具备的4C能力。
●Oxford Discover Writing and Spelling introduces students to a wide range of creative and academic text types and guides them through the writing process. It takes them from thinking and planning through to writing and then editing.
think > plan > write > edit
This native speaker approach to writing is supported with useful spelling strategies, providing students with all the tools they need to write confidently in English.
Use alongside Oxford Discover or on its own to help your students develop their writing skills.
●Oxford Discover Grammar presents grammar through context, guiding students as they discover meaning. It combines this guided discovery approach with extensive form-based practice, ensuring that students have all the knowledge they need to use English grammar confidently and accurately.
Use alongside Oxford Discover, or on its own to help your students improve their grammar.